On Monday 07/29/2019 my email was hacked and a bogus message was sent to all of my contacts. If you received a message from my email entitled "Proposal from Connecticut Commercial Photographer" please delete it. I sincerely apologize for this issue. I am still perplexed as to why my email was targeted.
Monday I was photographing a Google virtual tour at the Bushnell Theater in Hartford, CT https://www.bushnell.org/ which I will share in a future post. When I got back to my office I received numerous phone calls from friends alerting me that my email had been hacked. I immediately called my email provider GoDaddy, https://www.godaddy.com . Their technicians guided me through the process of changing my password and logging out of all devices. Then I purchased an email security package, that will prevent this from happening again. I have a penchant for learning things the hard way, especially when it comes to computers. Thank you for your understanding.
Enjoy the hot summer weather. I will send more photography related posts in August!
Tim Becker
Creative Images Photography
901 Main St.
Manchester, CT 06040