Have you ever wanted to defend your spaceship from attacking drones and robots, find a treasure in a lost temple, figure out an escape room, or fight your way through a zombie apocalypse; in the safety of a virtual reality experience?

How about driving an expensive virtual sports car around a racetrack and experiencing all the bumps and turns that a professional driver feels, while your friends relax with snacks and beverages and watch what you are seeing on a big screen? This is your opportunity to drive a $675,000 Lamborghini at high speeds.

Photo courtesy of Spark VR
It sounds like the entertainment of the future, but it is here now at Spark VR in Vernon, Connecticut https://www.sparkvirtualreality.com/.
I had the privilege of producing a Google virtual tour of the facility, which has made virtual reality a spectator sport. You can view the 360 degree images I took, here: https://goo.gl/maps/QErgGghbyzM2 The Spark VR staff will assist you to get started, since about half their customers have never done virtual reality before. You can reserve a virtual reality gaming bay for 55-minute intervals and choose your adventure. Race cars are walk-in only and run at 20-minute intervals. Choose your race car and your race track. You better buckle up.
One more thing about this futuristic business: it’s cashless!
Tim Becker
Creative Images Photography
901 Main St.
Manchester, CT 06040