For everyone who hasn't heard, I recently moved my professional photography business. I have been told that the hardest part of a change, is the transition. I'm still adjusting to the transition from my big photo studio, to my shared work area at Work_Space at 901 Main St. in Manchester, CT. It made perfect sense to make the move, after having my business in a industrial park for the last 11 years. Shared work environments are clearly the wave of the future for small business owners; but change is not easy. Instead of my own quiet office, my desk is now in a common area, with other business owners.
My studio is now a large conference room at Work_Space, with the tables folded into a corner. I also have access to a huge studio in a neighboring town, which I can rent by the day, when I need it. Work_Space is a three minute drive from my home. The cost is a fraction of my big studio. and I have met some amazing co-workers. My trash is emptied for me every day, and the coffee is free. I still do the vast majority of my still photos, business portraits, and Google virtual tours on location at business offices, retail stores and on construction sites. What has changed is where I do the my digital editing, and meet with clients. I don't like change, but In many ways I am living the dream. I have found that change is good, once you get used to it!
~Tim Becker